
Monday, October 31, 2016

Understanding Submission, Spanking and the Romance of it all

There is a Romance to spanking that few people understand unless you are into spanking.  I think the idea that people have is that spanking is violent and that the person spanking is angry and taking out their anger on the one they are spanking.  Logically they would assume that the spankee is abused because of the "harm" being done to them.  I don't doubt there are those who spank out of anger and that there are spankees who submit to it out of fear.  But that kind of spanking is NOT what I'm referring to.

The Romance of it all is the willing submission the spankee gives or acknowledges to me.  I never spank on a whim and my wife always knows, either in the back of her mind or because it's obvious, that she deserves the spanking.  There is a TRUST between a Spanker and spankee that can't be duplicated in a "Vanilla"  relationship.  It's an intimacy shared that few couples share.  

My wife trusts that I'll spank her just enough and not go too far.  I trust her that when I say she needs a spanking she will submit to it. There's a bond there that's deeper than anyone can understand unless they are in that kind of relationship.

The other day I was outside in the backyard when my wife came out, walked up to me and gave me a huge hug.  It was the kind of hug that said, "I'm glad you're in my life."  It was a huge that I will never forget because it was a direct line.  She made a direct line from the sliding glass door to me.  It was as though, for that moment, I was the only thing on her mind and she had to get to me and let me know.

Like every couple we have our ups and downs but unlike every couple,..we have more!

1 comment:

  1. Without revealing too many intimate details, suffice it to say that I found out when my then teenage future wife and I were dating that she still got spanked by her parents. Now, in those days, it wasn't that uncommon for a 19 or 20-year-old daughter to be spanked by either of her parents. It was all perfectly legal.

    While my wife had always hated to be spanked, she knew she still needed it even in her late teens. In fact, although a closely guarded secret when we began dating, one of her tests for finding a future husband included having to take a well-deserved and thorough bare bottom spanking before getting married.

    As these things develop, one thing led to another as our seemingly typical boyfriend-girlfriend relationships developed. Then, one evening, after I caught her in a lie, we both decided the time had come for her to put herself over my lap and take an old-fashioned no nonsense dress flipped up and panties to the knees spanking like daughters used to get from their fathers when young women wore skirts.

    Instead of being embarrassed, my wife later admitted that having to sit down on a spanked bottom for the rest of the evening actually made her feel grown up. For the first time her her life, she'd misbehaved and, in a wholly voluntary manner, agreed to accept the customary consequences of the day.

    When we married less than a year later, it was with the explicit understanding that she would be spanked.



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