
Sunday, February 2, 2014

We're Back!

I just recently noticed Bonnie of "My Bottom Smarts" blog has retired from blogging.  I'm not sure why except that sometimes blogging gets old.  What I mean is there are times when there's nothing to write about but you feel obligated to write something anyway.

I've decided to "un-private", is you will, this blog and bring it back.  My wife still needs a spanking from time to time and what better way to express or talk about her spanking than through this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, SH4R!

    For me, the motivating factor was a desire to invest time in other parts of my life. I spent 10-20 hours per week on blogging for more than eight years. I have some other priorities that I couldn't pursue without first freeing up some of that time.

    One month into retirement, I often miss talking and working with my friends. On the other hand, I am now involved with activities that make me happy.

    Best wishes with your blog, your spankings, and all your endeavors.




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