
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Give your wife and the mother of your children the special attention she desires this Mother's Day!


  1. What all mothers, grandmothers, mother-in-laws need is a good spanking on their knickers down bare bottoms. Yes, these women are at times naughty. And must be corporal punished. Depending on their degree of infractions, either with a hand, paddle, hairbrush, birch rod, cane or whip. By the husband, son, grandfather, father-in-law.

  2. In my experience, most women aren't so much desirous as aroused at the thought of being spanked. The idea seems to captivate them with ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, they want to be released from their tensions. On the other hand, they wish to avoid the embarrassment and pain that comes from being spanked.

    Underneath the big girl facade of most women is a little girl willing to take a spanking. As with many other things in a woman's life, timing is paramount. When a woman is truly ready to let go, she will submit with minimal guidance.

    One of the strangest pieces of advice on handling a difficult woman came from a grandmother. According to her, seeing a switch in a man's hand and knowing he intends to whip her with it makes a woman naturally submissive. Although she never explained why, I have found just seeing a switch in my hand has a calming, if not humbling, effect on a woman in need of disciplining.



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